50 research outputs found

    Akurasi Berita di Media Sosial Menurut Pengguna (Studi Fenomenologi Pengguna Media Sosial)

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    ABSTRACT The era of using gadgets and the freedom of accessing and publishing information on social media has become increasingly massive. Not infrequently evolved hoax information deliberately spread by people who have a particular interest. The goal is clear to disrupt the situation or create uncertainty. Especially in the increasingly chaotic political situation, opportunistic people can take advantage of the situation. Therefore, every social media user really needs to understand media literacy to be responsible individuals to others as well. This research uses constructivist interpretive paradigm, qualitative approach with phenomenology method which tried to focus the construction of experience and deep understanding of social media users (emic perspective) for what they do and face in everyday life. The subject of the study as well as the unit of analysis is the experience or narratives of the story obtained from the individual who became the research participant. The result of this study was not spread the news (share) that was not certain or accuracy could not be accounted for. Do not easily believe the news circulating in social media let alone the source was not clear. The mainstream media creates accounts in social media to synergize and manage news / information for the benefit of its citizens and media. As well as the media mainstream in collaboration with citizens in covering events as a form of media awareness to participate empower citizens more media literate. Keywords: accuracy, news on social media, phenomenology ABSTRAK Era penggunaan gadget dan kebebasan mengakses dan memublikasikan informasi di media sosial sudah semakin massif. Tidak jarang berkembang informasi-informasi hoax yang sengaja disebar oleh orang-orang yang mempunyai kepentingan tertentu. Tujuannya jelas untuk mengacaukan situasi atau membuat ketidakpastian. Terlebih dalam situasi politik yang semakin carut marut, bisa terjadi orang-orang oportunistik memanfaatkan situasi yang terjadi. Oleh karena itu, setiap pengguna media sosial sangat perlu memahami literasi media agar menjadi pribadi-pribadi yang bertanggungjawab pada orang lain juga. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma interpretif konstruktivis, pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode fenomenologi dimana berusaha memfokuskan konstruksi pengalaman dan pemahaman mendalam dari para pengguna media sosial (perspektif emik) atas apa yang mereka lakukan dan hadapi dalam kesehariuan. Subyek penelitian sekaligus unit analisis adalah pengalaman atau narasi-narasi kisah yang diperoleh dari individu yang menjadi partisipan penelitian. Hasil penelitian adalah jangan menyebarkan berita (share) yang belum pasti atau akurasinya tidak bisa dipertanggungjawabkan. Jangan mudah percaya kepada berita yang beredar di media sosial apalagi yang sumbernya tidak jelas. Media �mainstream� membuat akun di media sosial guna mensinergikan dan mengelola berita/ informasi untuk kepentingan warga dan medianya. Serta media �mainstream� berkolaborasi dengan warga dalam meliput peristiwa sebagai bentuk kesadaran media ikut memberdayakan warga masyarakat lebih melek media.. Kata kunci : akurasi, berita media sosial, fenomenolog

    Pengguna Media Interaktif Sebagai Kenyataan Maya: Studi Resepsi Khalayak Suarasurabaya.net Sebagai Media Interaktif

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    My aim in writing this paper is to describe that in this fast-changing world, media in Indonesia has undergone a rapid transformation. Digital technology continues to reshape the mass media landscape using internet technology. Internet brings a technical communication revolution, a fundamental change takes place in the structure of connections, artificial memories and the reproduction of their content. Internet technology has made communication much easier and less expensive. It has attracted many people and has penetrated into people’s daily lives. The mass media also have accepted the internet. Almost all forms of traditional media (old media) in local media, such as radio, television, and newspaper have extended their work into this new field. The internet and the World Wide Web have both significantly influenced modern journalism. In online media allows readers to enjoy browsing their product and service of contents, such as news feed, podcasts, desktop alert, news on mobile phones, PDA and others mobile devices. Online media offer not only text but also digital images , audio file, moving images (video), internet radio and internet t v. The interactive features of the internet seemingly imply that online media have more advantages than traditional media forms (old media). So, the internet have dramatically evolved become new media with characteristic multimedia, hypertext, interactivity, archives , and virtuality. The most important structural new media characteristic is the integration of telecommunications, data communications and mass communication in a single medium – it is the convergence. It should be pointed out that the trend toward digital is affecting the various media and brings the local media in East Java to become a global media, where breaking news from Surabaya or anywhere in East Java is transmitted to around the world in a matter of minutes . The research was carried out to find out how user reception on convergence media, journalism and local media on the site of SuaraSurabaya.net and how to access subjective meanings that they have created based on t heir understanding on online media so far. The research is also interested in looking into user reception on information and communication technology based on its relevance with the selected theme namely discourses on global media in website of Radio Suara Surabaya

    Gatekeeper dan Partisipasi Publik

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    Para ahli media dalam beberapa dekade telah mempelajari bagaimana informasi yang disebarkan melalui tahapan seleksi, pemeriksaan, dan didistribusikan oleh media berita. Proses yang kemudian dikenal sebagai gatekeeping merupakan teori komunikasi massa abadi yang menggambarkan proses dimana berita dikumpulkan dan disaring untuk audience. Warga turut mengumpulkan dan melaporkan peristiwa dalam program berita yang dihasilkan mereka, dimana dalam beberapa konsepsi komunikasi mengubah pergeseran paradigma. Media berita mendorong dan mengadopsi partisipasi publik, sehingga hal ini memiliki pemahaman dan implikasi teoritis yang berkaitan dengan media yang partisipatif, dan fungsi gatekeeping. Studi ini memfokuskan pada kasus radio swasta komersial yang telah memfungsikan peran gatekeeper sejak 1994. Keunikannya telah dipraktikkan bertahun tahun, sehingga bagian ini menjadi salah satu model critical gatekeepers yaitu mendengar, memilih, memandu pendengar, menyampaikan informasi serta ikut memberi jalan keluar bila terjadi masalah untuk kepentingan publik. Sebuah interaksi intim presenter dengan pendengarnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma interpretif, pendekatan kualitatif dan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siaran interaktif yang melibatkan warga berimplikasi pada pengelolaan produksi konten. Siaran interaktif bukan hanya program, tetapi format siaran. Semua segmen program acara dikelola secara interaktif. Seolah meniadakan konsep �programming� pada umumnya, karena interaktif �unpredictable�. Peran tim �gatekeeper� menjadi katup verifikasi akurasi data pendengar siaran on-air yang interaktif. Partisipasi pendengar sebagai sumber dan pemasok informasi merupakan tumpuan. Pendengar merupakan aktor kunci kecepatan dan diseminasi informasi. Gatekeeper dan presenter menempatkan pendengar sebagai �aktor-aktor siaran� yang tiap hari silih berganti mengudara saling mengisi dan memberi informasi dalam dialog ruang studio dengan pendengar dimana pun mereka berada

    Social Media and Product Branding for MSMEs Actors

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    Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia thrive and provide hope for small businesses. Starting from the culinary business, fashion, education, automotive, agribusiness, tour & travel, creative products, internet technology, cosmetics/beauty, event-organizer, cleaning services, childrens needs, and so on. MSMEs are business activities carried out by individuals or privately owned business entities. The focus of MSME business ordinarily on one line of business, and it is easy to start compared to large-scale businesses. The use of social media platforms for MSME actors ordinarily to promote their products. So that it is expected to be able to strengthen the branding of its business products, or brand recognition to potential consumers. This study uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods. This study seeks to reveal the experiences of MSME actors when interpreting the various uses of social media in supporting their business. The subjects of this study amounted to 14 MSME actors with various ages. Moreover, various types of businesses. Data collection techniques by conducting in-depth interviews, namely to reveal the natural story of each individuals life experience. The results showed that the use of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Tik-Tok and Whatsapp provided space for interaction and communication between sellers and consumers. Social media helps the branding process in attracting the attention of users to expand new followers as potential customers. The implication of this study is to maintain politeness in communicating with the language without being abbreviated. Moreover, caring for consumers

    Social Media and Product Branding for MSMEs Actors

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    Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia thrive and provide hope for small businesses. Starting from the culinary business, fashion, education, automotive, agribusiness, tour & travel, creative products, internet technology, cosmetics/beauty, event-organizer, cleaning services, childrens needs, and so on. MSMEs are business activities carried out by individuals or privately owned business entities. The focus of MSME business ordinarily on one line of business, and it is easy to start compared to large-scale businesses. The use of social media platforms for MSME actors ordinarily to promote their products. So that it is expected to be able to strengthen the branding of its business products, or brand recognition to potential consumers. This study uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods. This study seeks to reveal the experiences of MSME actors when interpreting the various uses of social media in supporting their business. The subjects of this study amounted to 14 MSME actors with various ages. Moreover, various types of businesses. Data collection techniques by conducting in-depth interviews, namely to reveal the natural story of each individuals life experience. The results showed that the use of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Tik-Tok and Whatsapp provided space for interaction and communication between sellers and consumers. Social media helps the branding process in attracting the attention of users to expand new followers as potential customers. The implication of this study is to maintain politeness in communicating with the language without being abbreviated. Moreover, caring for consumers

    Tantangan Etika dan Regulasi Media Digital (REVISI)

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    Membangun etika dan regulasi media yang komprehensif dan berdimensi jangka panjang bukan perkaran mudah. Mengingat perkembangan teknologi komunikasi umumnya selalu mendahului regulasi. Regulasi selalu ketinggalan jika dihadapkan dengan perkembangan teknologi komunikasi yang demikian cepat dan masif. Jika sebuah regulasi atau kebijakan disahkan dan diimplementasikan, bisa saja telah muncul varian teknologi baru yang tak terjangkau oleh regulasi tersebut. Regulasi selalu ketinggalan dalam realitanya. Tulisan ini juga mencoba memaparkan mengenai revolusi etika sebagai implikasi dari teknologi. Revolusi media berubah secara mendasar dan tidak bisa dicegah, sifat jurnalistik dan etikanya. Sementara internet mendorong bentuk baru jurnalisme yang interaktif dan langsung, dimana publikasi berita di tangan warga negara. Individu menjadi agen penyiaran karena mereka bisa menciptakan konten kapan pun dan dimana pun

    Pengguna Media Interaktif Sebagai Kenyataan Maya: Studi Resepsi Khalayak Suarasurabaya.net Sebagai Media Interaktif (TERLAMBAT).

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    My aim in writing this paper is to describe that in this fast-changing world, media in Indonesia has undergone a rapid transformation. Digital technology continues to reshape the mass media landscape using internet technology. Internet brings a technical communication revolution, a fundamental change takes place in the structure of connections, artificial memories and the reproduction of their content. Internet technology has made communication much easier and less expensive. It has attracted many people and has penetrated into people’s daily lives. The mass media also have accepted the internet. Almost all forms of traditional media (old media) in local media, such as radio, television, and newspaper have extended their work into this new field. The internet and the world wide web have both significantly influenced modern journalism. In online media allows readers to enjoy browsing their product and service of contents, such as news feed, podcasts, deskstop alert, news on mobile phones, PDA and others mobile devices. Online media offer not only text but also digital images, audio file, moving images (video), internet radio and internet tv. The interactive features of the internet seemingly imply that online media have more advantages than traditional media forms (old media). So, the internet have dramatically evolved become new media with characteristic multimedia, hypertext, interactivity, archives, and virtuality. The most important structural new media characteristic is the integration of telecommunications, data communications and mass communication in a single medium – it is the convergence. It should be pointed out that the trend toward digital is affecting the various media and brings the local media in East Java to become a global media, where breaking news from Surabaya or anywhere in East Java is transmitted to around the world in a matter of minutes . The research was carried out to find out how user reception on convergence media, journalism dan local media on the site of Suara Surabaya.net. And how to access subjective meanings that they have created based on their understanding on online media so far. The research is also interested in looking into user reception on information and communication technology based on its relevance with the selected theme namely discourse on global media in web site of Radio Suara Surabaya


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    Keberadaan media siaran awalnya lebih bersifat linier (saluran penyebaran informasi searah, indoktrinatif, penyuluhan) dalam perkembangannya telah menjadi model komunikasi yang menggunakan pendekatan dialogis atau interaktif. Radio SS telah menjadi sebuah media informasi interaktif bagi pendengarnya, dimana siaran interaktif memiliki keunikan dibanding radio lain. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma interpretif konstruktivis, pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus dimana berusaha memfokuskan pada pemahaman-pemahaman mendalam dari keunikan kasus itu sendiri. Subyek penelitian sekaligus unit analisis adalah narasi-narasi kisah yang diperoleh dari individu yang menjadi partisipan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyiaran interaktif berimplikasi terhadap pengelolaan produksi konten dengan menjadikan siaran interaktif sebagai format siaran, bukan sekedar program acara. Format interaktif diterapkan untuk semua segmen program acara siaran, dan siaran interaktif meniadakan konsep “programming” pada umumnya seperti format “clock”, karena interaktif “unpredictable”. Peran tim “gatekeeper” sebagai editor siaran on-air menjadi tumpuan harapan siaran. Partisipasi pendengar sebagai sumber dan pemasok informasi untuk sesama pendengar, menempatkan pendengar sebagai kunci kecepatan informasi. Pendengar menjadi aktor-aktor penting dan menentukan dalam siaran interaktif

    Radio Siaran Interaktif dan Layanan Publik

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    Radio ibarat ruang terbuka yang tidak pernah sepi aktivitas, meminjam istilah Bertolt Brecht (1932-the theatre of mind, tetapi juga the theatre of thinking. Radio tidak pernah habis dikupas dari berbagai sudut pandang. Radio telah mengakar di benak masyarakat sebagai media yang memiliki fungsi majemuk. Sebagai media yang merakyat, radio terus menjadi arena pertarungan kekuasaan sejak revolusi kemerdekaan sampai zaman reformasi. Namun, tidak banyak tulisan atau hasil penelitian yang mengupas radio siaran secara mendalam, kebanyakan hanya berisi panduan praktis keradioan atau rekaman perkembangan teknologi penyiaran

    Meaning Of Social Media Applications In Interaction With Fellow Users

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    The era of using gadgets and the freedom to access and publish information is increasingly massive. The existence of application media today has become a medium of communication, both for individuals and socially. Direct interaction is no longer seen as the best way to communicate. They have been included in the terminology of onLine communication. This condition is mutual symbiosis, can be studied in different perspectives. Technology influences human or human behavior as users who must control technology. This study looks at the second side, namely how humans as social actors use communication technology. The purpose of this study was to find out how the meaning of the users of social whatsapp and line media applications in daily interactions from various professions. This study uses the interpretive constructionist paradigm, a qualitative approach to phenomenological methods. The results of this study indicate that users interpret social application media to facilitate communication, information sharing, and establish social relationships. The implication that arises is that face-to-face interaction is no longer an obstacle or necessity for various user professions. Connection is a representation of the presence of face-to-face interaction